
The Journey of an Unknown Author: Navigating Fame and Publishing

I have learned that having a book published does not automatically make one a well-known author. That depends on several points, the main one appearing to be that one is a well-known personage, such a ........

Message to my Readers

It is quite a time since I last added to my Blog and I am still waiting for that full-page advert for the above book to appear in Publishers Weekly, for which I paid back in January. I've not been abl ........

My Message to Readers

Hello readers, I think it's about time you got to see the person who wrote Dark Regressions. I hope you enjoyed the book and are looking out for the sequel. Meanwhile ' KEEP READING'

We all have the ability to shut bad memories in a box within our heads.

MICHAEL DEVILLE opened his. It revealed things he wished to forget from birth onwards and he found he had opened a Pandora's Box of dark regressions.PETER DE VILLE - was he a wicked and selfish youth ........

I have no idea who wrote it or when but you might have heard

I have no idea who wrote it or when but you might have heard :We were all sitting round the old camp fire me the Cap'n and Antonio when Antonio says to the Cap'n "Cap'n spin us a yarn ... ... ...Well ........

Please dear readers I will very much appreciate your comments on my debut novel

Please dear readers I will very much appreciate your comments on my debut novel.How did the fantasy side of the book grab you?Do you feel the Count and the Man in Black are one and the same?Is there a ........

A friend in America

A friend in America has delightedly informed me that she has now been able to order this book. A family member messages me to let me know what page she is on. I have asked her for no comments until sh ........

Dark Regressions

When covid-19 hit this country and prior to the first lockdown, my son collected me from the New Forest, to ensure my safety, with him and his wife in Cornwall. That is when I acquired a new computer ........